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Executive Coaching

Are you ready for an Executive Coach?

Executive Coaching allows leaders to examine their current management and leadership style and then evolve into a more focused and effective leader for their team. We offer one-on-one weekly and bi-weekly coaching, as well as small group and larger group sessions. Each coaching session is 60-90 minutes. Initial sessions are in person and allow the coach to see you in your environment. After that, most sessions are virtual.

Our coaching packages are individually tailored to meet the needs of our clients. We are trained in various methodologies of coaching. Unlike some coaching firms, we are not bound to a specific model. Many coaching companies try to force a square peg into a round hole. We see each client differently and work to incorporate reading and practice exercises that meet you where you are and help you get where you want to go.

Minding My Own Business prides itself on maintaining a strictly confidential portfolio of clients. We never disclose our client list. For those in coaching groups, we require strict confidentiality of coaching sessions. 

If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to discuss our various packages and see which one works best for you as a leader.